Our Vision

OUR VISION for Tenbury and Burford is that:

“By 2030 Tenbury and Burford will be a strong, thriving and healthy community where both the quality of the built environment and the rural character of the area is preserved and enhanced for the enjoyment of people of all ages”.

Aim and Objectives

To achieve this vision our aim for the Neighbourhood Plan will be:

To develop a plan that gives our community greater influence and control over future planning decisions and all aspects of development within the area of the plan.

Our initial list of objectives is as follows:

Objective 1 - To preserve and enhance the existing built and landscape heritage having regard for the rural character of the area

Objective 2 – To ensure all new development is of suitable high quality and sustainable design constructed using latest technology to maximise energy efficiency

Objective 3 – To encourage the development of new homes which fulfil the needs of the whole community, of a suitable number and respectful of the local vernacular, topography and rural setting

Objective 4 – To support the development of existing and new businesses and enterprises to provide employment for local people wherever possible, including support for suitable diversification and use of new technology

Objective 5 – To protect, maintain and enhance community assets, facilities and services

Objective 6 – To encourage opportunities for all generations to find enjoyment and fulfilment through a range of educational, sporting and leisure activities and to ensure their continuing availability for future generations

Objective 7 – To maintain and improve the infrastructure of roads and footpaths in a manner which will encourage use by pedestrians and cyclists and have regard for improved road safety for all users.

Objective 8 – To support local businesses and services that contribute to the quality of life for residents and visitors

Objective 9 – Flood relief and improved drainage measures to be installed in a sympathetic manner to protect vital infrastructure